<3 Robin
From DOVE...
"...and now in the Caribbean we were to discover that happiness has no frontiers, that it's a state of mind and not a possession, not a set route through life, not a goal to be gained but something that steals in gently like an evening mist or the morning sunlight - something beyond our control."
It's my last night on St Thomas. It's a bittersweet feeling in my belly. Sweet because I'm ecstatic to be embarking on an epic sailing adventure across seas (and land) I've never explored. I'm fulfilling a lifelong dream (to see the world from the ocean's point of view) and it's hard for me to even comprehend what I'm about to do right now. But at the same time, it's bitter because I have to say goodbye to the cherished sol mates I've made here (been doing that a lot over the past year and a half....) I am going to miss each and every one of you (you know who you are....) Thank you SO much, from the bottom of my heart, for everything you've done for me from the moment I stepped onto this beautiful, kooky little island. I'm really going to miss you guys....
Thank you to everyone on St Thomas for being a part of my happiness. I'll be seeing you again soon....
Every time I leave and arrive home I look longingly over to Robin's driveway and sometimes say out loud to myself in my car..' I miss Robin"....I say it often to Charlie as well and he looks at me strangely as if I shouldn't have such strong feelings for my beloved neighbor, fellow solmate, massage therapist, psychologist, walking/smoking partner, cheerleader, etc....:) yesterday I needed to take a moment away from my house and I couldn't go down to my favorite runaway place so I headed to our favorite runaway place....the point. I decided that is where I'll go now when I need to get away...I'll pretend you are there diligently listening to me repeat dramatic hardships of mine that you've surely heard before, smiling at me assuring me of my bright future...Although this entry is directed towards my Rueban..I miss you both terribly and am thinking of you both everyday fantasizing about buying a plane ticket to Brazil or Hawaii to meet youre smiling faces. For now all is well is here at home and the garden is booming. Love to both of you.....
ReplyDeletePs: I've never driven out to the point before..only walked...Jesus Christ it's a long haul!!!